Annual Publications Report
Pakistan Business Review (PBR) is Institute of Business Management (IoBM’s) journal in continuous publication since April 1999. It is Pakistan’s first refereed academic business research quarterly. PBR is an HEC approved Y category journal. It is abstracted and indexed by the American Economic Association in the ECONLIT and the Journal of Economic Literature, USA. It is supervised by an International Advisory Board of Business Academics from national and international organizations such as the London School of Economics, the University of Sussex, the University of San Diego and Indiana University, USA, Bochun University, Germany, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the International Association for Clean Technology, Austria. International advisory board members are also drawn from China, Spain, Columbia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Lithuania, and Nepal. Other respectable national bodies such as the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, etc are also represented on the board. Pakistan Business Review is in its fifteenth year of continuous publication.

Pakistan Business Review (PBR)
Volume 30, Issue 2 – July, 2018

Pakistan Business Review (PBR)
Volume 31, Issue 3 – October, 2018
International Journal of Experiential Learning & Case Studies (IJELCS) ISSN 2521-9359 (Online), ISSN 2520-4475 (Print) provides an innovative conceptual framework for consideration of industry managers, corporate sector strategists, and decision-makers and starves to be the basis for collaborative dialogue and discussions between industry and academia. The key objective of the journal is to contribute significantly to teaching and learning by using business management-related case studies and industry-specific research articles.IJELCS is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal edited by the Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Karachi, Pakistan. The Journal is an academic resource of industry-related case studies and research articles which are the outcome of experiential learning and evidence-based exercises by academicians and corporate managers. It is a blend of quality research on experiential learning and a diverse set of case studies pertaining to different business disciplines covering strategic marketing, strategic management, organizational behavior, human resource management, finance & accounting, business ethics, entrepreneurship, economics and other related functional areas.

International Journal of Experiential Learning & Case Studies
(Volume 30, Issue 2 – July, 2018

International Journal of Experiential Learning & Case Studies
Annual Publication Report (2022)
The Journal of Education and Educational Development (ISSN p-2310-0869 & e-2313-3538) is a double-blind peer-reviewed bi-annual journal designed as an outlet for research in Education and Educational Development. JoEED is committed to promoting the distribution of important scholarly work at all levels. The journal has a broad scope and publishes qualitative and quantitative research studies along with discussions, which helps readers and researchers to grasp the understanding of the new and old paradigms in education. In addition to submissions from faculty/researchers, students at the graduate and MPhil level, Ph.D. scholars are also encouraged to submit their work, whether it is the product of coursework, a student thesis, an independent study, or a directed research project.

The Journal of Education and Educational Development
Volume 6, Issue 2 – December, 2019

The Journal of Education and Educational Development
Volume 1, Issue 3 – February, 2020
Pakistan Journal of Engineering Technology & Science
The aim of this journal is to promote innovative ideas and original research in the fields of Science and Engineering. This journal aims at publishing authentic research papers to create a culture of innovation and scientific development

Pakistan Journal of Engineering Technology & Science
Volume 30, Issue 2 – July, 2018

Pakistan Journal of Engineering Technology & Science
Volume 31, Issue 3 – October, 2018