President’s Message
Welcome to IoBM Research Office established to promote research culture and to connect own scholars with local and international researchers for collaborative research undertakings. This office archives IoBM research outputs and ensures to keep it on track as per our laid down research themes. IoBM is an SDG engaged University that has aligned its core functions and research with the UN SDGs.
The role of Universities is changing fast world over driven by technological innovation and the institutions of higher learning are increasingly becoming epicenter of knowledge creation, a core trait of a third generation universities. Nations in general and universities in particular can hardly afford to stay aloof of this sea change.

Director’s Welcome Message
With a mission to be a research-led university, IoBM has come a long way in developing its vibrant research ecosystem consisting of leading researchers of international repute, facilities, stakeholder engagement, and a conducive administrative support system. IoBM’s research and intellectual capital has grown over the time both qualitatively and quantitatively, which is regularly documented and reflected in yearly publication report and IoBM Abstract Book. Being the custodian office for the research strategy, policy, and sustainability initiative, the Research Office at IoBM endeavors to provide support for sponsored research projects, publications, journals, conferences, international visits and any other institutional research activities.